19 Jun Summer Safety Series : Hydration
Know the Benefits
RELATED POST: Summer Safety Series – Heat Related Illness
Hydration is not only one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle, it is also crucial to keeping our bodies cool. In the hot summer months, it is important to make sure you and your employees are getting enough water to maintain proper fluid balance and body temperature. Employees who are engaged in outdoor or otherwise strenuous work must be especially mindful of drinking enough water so they do not become dehydrated.
Know the Risks and Symptoms
Symptoms of dehydration include:
Thirst / Dry Mouth
Muscle Cramps
Nausea, Dizziness, and/or confusion
Excessive Sweateing
Inability to sweat or cry
Hot, dry skin
Stay Hydrated
To help stay hydrated and encourage hydration among your employees:
Always have water readily available – For employees who work outside or offsite, provide or encourage them to keep a cooler full of water bottles or to have a reusable water bottle on hand.
Enforce breaks for all employees so they have time to cool down in the shade and get a drink of water
Provide appropriate heat safety personal protective equipment
Conduct regular safety training and remind employees of the importance of hydration and staying cool in the hot summer months.
Keep your workplace hydrated by setting a tone for safety. Educate your employees on the risks, symptoms, and preventative measures associated with dehydration, and be sure to keep water accessible for all employees throughout your office, warehouse, distribution center, and in the field.