20 Oct Rack Protection
Warehouse Rack
Warehouse racking systems are the bone structure of any warehouse or distribution center operation. A massive necessary front-end investment, warehouse rack is essential for operations to function effectively and at peak productivity. With that in mind, it’s imperative for warehouses and DCs to prioritize rack protection.
Why Invest in Rack Protection
There are two primary and undeniable benefits to protecting warehouse rack:
Safety should always be of foremost concern in any warehouse or DC operation. When it comes to rack safety, rack protection goes a long way. When rack is damaged, the integrity of the system becomes compromised, leading to unsafe work conditions that can impact both workers and product. However, when rack is protected, collisions with the racking system are significantly less likely to cause safety-compromising damage.
When you have rack protection, the front-end investment saves you from incurring larger costs down the road. When warehouse racking is damaged, at the very least, you are faced with rack repair costs, if not rack replacement. At the very worst, compromised racking systems can collapse, bringing the product down with it. On top of these obvious costs, you also are faced with expensive downtime if rack is damaged.
How to Best Protect your Rack
Whether you are looking to install new rack or want to protect your existing rack, there are a number of measures you can take.
Build Well from the Start
Every operation is different and has different rack needs to create the safest and most efficient work environment. With that in mind, it’s important to build well from the start. Consider how wide aisles should be to account for proper forklift maneuverability and what weight capacity is necessary to support your product. A warehouse design consultation is always a good idea to get started well. An expert can guide you toward the best layout for your operation.
Column Protectors
Column protectors are one of a few rack enhancing products that help to bolster rack protection. Fitting around the base of rack columns, column protectors shield rack columns from damaging collisions. Column protectors will take the brunt of any damage incurred at the base of a rack system.
End of Aisle Protection
End of aisle protection is another great way to protect your rack system. As the name suggests, this kind of protection is situated at the end of the aisle and protects the system from damage caused by collisions and product that frequently gets stacked at the end of aisles.
Rack Reinforcers
Rack reinforcers act to strengthen the rack system as a whole. There are a few varieties of rack reinforcements to consider, but the purpose of all of them is to bolster potentially weak points in the system.
Regular Inspection
Another great way to protect your rack is to schedule regular rack inspections. Expert consultants can take a look at your rack and pinpoint any problem areas so that they can be fixed before a problem arises.
Rack Repair
Rack repair is always a good option if a rack system has already incurred damage. Rather than replacing a portion of the system, rack installers can instead repair the damaged area. Repairing existing damage extends the life of a rack system and also improves its safety and functionality.
Finally, one of the best ways to protect your rack is to train your employees well, primarily forklift operators. When forklift operators are well-trained, accidents are less likely to happen and rack damage is less likely to occur. Make sure your forklift operators are properly trained from the outset, and also be sure to keep all certifications up to date.
Contact us to schedule a consultation for your rack install or to schedule a rack inspection.
For more information on the importance of rack protection, check out Crown’s article, “Protecting Your Warehouse Racks from Impact Damage.”