13 Apr Loading Dock Safety
Loading Dock Hazards
Falling off the edge of the dock
Loads falling off edge of dock onto personnel below
Skidding or slipping due to environmental conditions
Loading Dock Safety Standards
Implement fall protection when dock door or other wall openings are elevated more than 4ft
Ensure that any wall barriers are able to withstand a load
If a dock door or other wall opening is elevated less than 4ft, it still must be clearly marked
Consider using yellow markings, the universal safety warning color
Paint the edge of loading dock for improved visibility
Keep the working surface clean and clear
Maintain (and encourage personnel to maintain) a safe distance from the edge of the loading dock
Loading Dock Safety Inspections
It’s easy to overlook these safety standards when operations are running smoothly, but in just takes one accident to cause lost time injuries, damages to goods, and a production bottleneck. Safety at the loading dock puts the priority not only on employees but also on sustainable productivity. Don’t wait until it’s too late to implement safety regulations.
RELATED POST: Increase Dock Efficiency
Loading docks and doors should be regularly inspected for safety compliance. In need of an inspection? Contact our Dock and Door team today. Our team of certified specialists provide complete dock and door safety audits with recommendations for improvements.