Forklift Parts Maintenance

Forklift Parts Maintenance

Forklift Parts Maintenance

We know that when it comes to personal wellbeing, it’s all the parts that make up the whole. We have to sleep well, eat right, exercise, and take care of our emotional wellbeing in order to function at our best. Forklifts operate in much the same way as we do.

Forklifts are made up of many parts. From the nuts and bolts to the tires, from the operator seat to the forks themselves, every single part of the forklift is crucial for it to operate at peak performance levels.

With that said, one of the most important components of forklift care and maintenance is making sure you stay on top of your forklift parts.

How to Keep Forklift Parts in Top Condition

Each part of the forklift makes up the whole. That’s why it’s important to:

1. Have regularly scheduled maintenance completed on forklifts to identify problems before they cost you down time

Service technicians have a trained eye for forklift parts. When your service tech is completing your Planned Maintenance, he or she will be able to spot any issues with your forklift at that time. If there is a part that is damaged or nearing the end of its lifecycle, your forklift technician will notify you and help you work out a plan for fixing the issue before it becomes a larger, more costly problem.

2. Monitor lifts regularly (with a fleet management system)

In between your regularly scheduled forklift maintenance, you should continue to monitor your forklifts. You can do this manually by having a team member assess each lift once a week for possible damage or wear and tear. A more time effective alternative, though, is to invest in a fleet management system. Fleet management systems allow you to keep tabs on your whole fleet with integrated software. With a fleet management system, you will be notified if a forklift is displaying signs it may have a part that needs repairing.

3. Replace parts

Don’t wait for parts to go bad to replace them. Take the time to find out what the lifecycle of your forklift parts are, and then set up a schedule that makes sense for your operation to periodically replace parts as they exhibit ware and tear. This way you will be able to maintain your equipment uptime while reducing the overall cost you would incur if parts were left to run their full gamut (which often leads to further equipment damage).

4. Use the best parts for your lift and application

When it comes time to replace a part, choose the best parts for your forklift. In most cases, this is the forklift manufacturer’s part. The maker of the forklift with naturally make the best fitting part to go with their forklift. However, when it comes to certain parts like forklift wheels and tires, the best part for the job often depends on your use-case.  A parts specialist will be able to help you select the part that will be of the best value for your operation.

The Bottom Line

Even the smallest of forklift parts can cause major equipment damage and downtime if left unchecked. Keep your forklifts in their best shape for peak performance by maintaining and replacing your parts as needed. There’s no doubt that you will get the best ROI when you keep your forklift parts working right.

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