Crown’s InfoLink Fleet Management System – Track where you can’t be

Crown’s InfoLink Fleet Management System – Track where you can’t be

We understand that, as a warehouse manager, it’s impossible to be everywhere at once. The challenges of supply chain uncertainties, employee management, balancing supply and demand, and dealing with shortages make your job even more difficult. However, there are systems available that can help you overcome these obstacles and keep track of remote areas in your warehouse.

Connect Equipment, People, and Operations

The InfoLink Operator and Fleet Management System is all about connections. Through this system, lift trucks, operators, processes, and service can all be linked together, resulting in a comprehensive understanding of your operation’s performance and utilization. Crown’s InfoLink system collects valuable data that enhances safety measures, identifies potential risks, discovers cost-saving opportunities, reinforces training efforts, drives continuous improvement initiatives, and empowers both operators and managers. Additionally, InfoLink provides insights into best practices as well as areas that require improvement or present risks. This is achieved through features such as electric operator daily checklists, on-screen safety reminders, dynamic coaching sessions, and impact detection systems that encourage safety for operators and reduce damage to your fleet, product, and, most important, people.

Realize Operational Gains With Crown's InfoLink System

InfoLink offers comprehensive data solutions to tackle interconnected operational challenges. With InfoLink, you can access customized reports and graphs that analyze trends and provide valuable insights into your lift truck usage. This information empowers you to make informed decisions on whether to rent or buy equipment. Additionally, InfoLink tracks seasonal usage patterns, enabling you to effectively plan for peak demand and yield fleet information, including truck availability and criteria-based utilization analysis, ensuring optimal management of your fleet size.

“Crown’s InfoLink system has helped customers reduce their fleet size by 40% and reduce damage by 30%.”

InfoLink System Modules

InfoLink System

Crown’s InfoLink system can help provide the additional support needed to ensure your success, and at Lift Power, we provide the expertise and training to ensure your success with the InfoLink system. From preparing your team for the InfoLink system with the RightStart program, interpreting valuable fleet performance data, and identifying appropriate actions to optimized reporting with rich analytics that fits your operations. We make it easy to leverage Crown’s InfoLink system. You can get started with InfoLink for as low as $68/Month (terms and conditions apply). Contact our dedicated InfoLink Specialist today for more information 

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