2019 Material Handling Trends

2019 Material Handling Trends

What's On Trend

Want to know what your warehousing or distribution center neighbors and competitors are doing to stay ahead of the curve in 2019? Well, we have your answer. We have compiled a list of the top 2019 material handling trends to keep you informed. You can read even more at dcvelocity.com.

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Whether you’re looking to grow or streamline operations or you’re just doing a little research for the future, it’s important to know what’s happening across the industry. With seemingly endless new innovation and technology, you’ve got to keep up or be left behind.

The Top 3 Material Handling Trends

Let us save you the hard work. Lift Power, as a leader in the material handling industry in the South East, is in the know. Here are the top 3 material handling trends for 2019.
  • Goods to Person Fulfillment

    Goods to person fulfillment is number one on the material handling trending list in 2019. With a need for efficiency on the rise, facilities can cut down time by bringing the goods to workers. Though there are new innovations in goods to person technology such as automated storage and retrieval systems and robots, in 2019, we can expect to say a rise in the use of conveyor systems. Instead of just using standard racks and lift trucks, operations will begin to move more towards goods to person fulfillment with a natural introduction of conveyors in the warehouse. This stands to reduce fulfillment time and increase operational output.

  • Software

    Right in line behind goods to person fulfillment, software is trending for material handling in 2019. More and more operations are implementing a variety of software to manage and improve the day to day. The need for better communication and visibility across facilities is lending itself to constant improvements in software. Now with products like infolink and fleetstats, you can get a pulse on your forklift fleet in no time at all. Additionally, warehouse execution systems work to combine data from a variety of applications. Such tech gives you a seamless view of all that is incoming and outgoing in your facility. All of this contributes to an improved flow in the warehouse or distribution center. With data at your fingertips, you not only know exactly what’s happening in your operation at any given time, you also have the power to make necessary changes to improve productivity.

  • Automation

    Similarly to software, Automation is without a doubt where material handling is headed in the future. 2019 is likely to see more automation in the warehouse than ever before. With bold moves like Amazon’s acquisition of Kiva robots, big companies are paving the way in automation. But you don’t have to buy out a robotics company to stay on the cutting edge. One of the top ways people are automating their warehouses and distribution centers in 2019 is by moving to autonomous forklifts and self-guided vehicles. Technology like Crown’s quick pick remote makes increased productivity easy with affordable and practical automation that’s suitable for just about any facility with lower level picking. Larger fleet operations are likely to explore options such as the Auto Positioning System which automatically takes the most effective route to a designated SKU resulting in an up to 25% increase in productivity.

The Bottom Line

As we head into the new year, it’s clear that innovation in material handling isn’t slowing down. In fact, if anything, it’s just getting started. Operations that make changes to modernize along the way will see continuous growth in productivity, efficiency, and, ultimately, revenue.

Take the time this new year to consider your options for 2019. Call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants to discuss what’s right for your operation. Every facility and application is different. The good news is, with the constant innovation of our time, no warehouse or distribution center has to be left behind.

SOURCE: DC Velocity, December 2018. “Livin’ in the Future.” Pg 33-35.

    Material Handling Connectivity

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